Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Week 1 Response to Classmate (R2C) Robin #1

MAC Response to Classmate (R2C) #1 - Robin

“The eye sees not itself, but by reflection, by some other things.”

“And since you know you cannot see yourself so well as by reflection, I, your glass will modestly discover to yourself that of yourself which you yet know not of.”

-The Tragedy of Julius Caesar

I found the reading to be very interesting, in a “Secret” sort of way. You get what you give. I agree on a personal and professional level, to an extent. If I started all of my students with an “A” the parents would be outraged and my administration would scrutinize me. Unfortunately, it is still all about measurement, but I can try to incorporate this on a different level with my students. Attitude, mood, response is all about what you give, and the reflections show that.

Excellent quote Robin.  I added reading The Tragedy of Julius Caesar to my list of things I want to do for me, after I graduate from FSO.  Your enthusiasm for the play has whetted my appetite.  What do you mean by a “Secret” so of way?  High School teachers in our current educational system have no wiggle room in our standardized assessment crazed society.  You are absolutely correct about the parents being outraged; fear of their child’s economic future clouds the field.  I am sure you incorporate “giving the A” through the use of your own chemistry.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laurie,

    By referring to "Secret" I was referring to the best selling book of the same name. People (myself included) were drawn in to learn the power of happiness and fulfillment. Basically, you place your order with the universe, keep it always in your mind, and it will come true. I've been bad at the keeping it positive in my mind, though...
