Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Week 1 Response to Reading (R2R) THE ART OF POSSIBILITY

Step Aside, Alpacas Comin’ Your Way

I enjoy stepping into a universe of possibility and without hesitation give an A to any student who is interested in exploring new territory.  Middle school students arrive at school daily seeking opportunities to experiment with newfound ideas, thoughts, and brains bathed in developmental hormones.  It is my job to encourage exploration even when I do not see the connections.

I know from experience that I have little or no clue about the jigsaw puzzle of life that student is populating when I first meet them. As a science educator,  I just need to give them the freedom to learn the concepts about science through avenues that peak their interest, not mine.  If one student wants to learn about the genetics of selective breeding by researching alpacas and another by researching poisonous snakes, I see beauty in diversity and let it happen.

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