Friday, November 26, 2010

Week 2 Free Choice

Kinect, Ultra Game Console Is Here 
How Will Teachers Use It?

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Who, after viewing Minority Report, did not want to move data like it was moved in the movie?  All of us wanted to give the technology a try!  Kinect XBOX 360 is getting closer to that experience.  Listen to computer scientists on Science Friday discussing the future of Kinect technology.
NPR Podcast on Science Friday

Shannon Loftis 
Studio Manager, Microsoft Game Studios
Good Science Studio
Redmond, Washington
Alex Kipman 
Director of Incubation, Xbox
Redmond, Washington
Katherine Isbister 
Professor, Computer Science and Digital Media
New York University's Polytechnic Institute
Brooklyn, New York
Physical Feedback Hypothesis

Researchers observed that Wii games put people in happy states.  People feel a greater sense of connectedness after playing with the Kinect XBOX 360.  The plan is to use your body to play games with super positive feedback loops.  Dance Central is fun exercise and Kinect will “recognize” you and offer feedback to enhance your experience; complete personalization is in the mix.  The technology disappears and allows us to experience new intrapersonal as well as new interpersonal social experiences.

No more mouse.  Multitouch screens. Work and play remotely.
Science fiction is now science fact.  Kinetics tracks 20 joints in the body, in real time, which can be applied to avatars for fun and/or robots for work.

USC and other academic places use the Kenetics palatte to create new lessons.  Soon all educators will be invited in to collaborate about how they creatively integrate Kinect technology into the classroom or utilize it for homework.  Imagine the faces of your students when you assign a thirty minute Kinect session as a homework assignment….I can hardly wait!  And even better, imagine the day when schools have builtin Kinect XBOX 360s in schools.  Envision what that will do to improve education for all learners but especially for kinesthetic learners.

Kinect has its own light source in the near infrared range so there is not danger of radiation exposure.  There is a constant projector so you can use Kinect in any room setting light (for exercise) or dark (for meditation). 

Kipman states, “Kinect allows you to tell brand new stories”.

Kinect Adventures  comes with the system and allows you to float in outerspace popping bubbles or “feel” what it is like to floating down a rushing river in a raft.  All those experiences will lead to new and exciting digital stories.

Introduction to Kinect from the people who built it:

Watch this TED video from the science director of Minority Report and see what he is creating in his lab.
“G-speak” installation courtesy of John Underkoffler. Photo credit: Parker Loris Underkoffler.

1 comment:

  1. Another amazing subject for discussion, using virtual environments in education. I wonder if this technology will do better than the 30 years small computers have been "in" the classroom, but still scarcely utilized. The possibilities are amazing and endless. But the problem isn't technology as much as educators, administrators, politicians and parents assuming that education equals stand-and-deliver while gaming is just for play. Great stuff here.
