Sunday, November 28, 2010

Week 2 Response to Classmate (R2C) Erik #2


Still Moving..
Saturday, November 13, 2010 
I have found several solid connections between my Literature Review and my AR project.
It seems that students are fairly predictable throughout the world, and that I’m not alone in the concerns and expectations that I have for my kids.

Finding connections was not as easy as I had hoped though, my class is so specific: Vidoe Production, and I didn’t find too many ways to really improve instruction in the exact setting that I teach in. Through more general classroom management and instructional technique research though, I have found many useful ideas that once implemented and routine, will make my classroom a model of student engagement and productivity. If nothing else, students will leave with improved confidence and video editing skills!

I have already taken a test-run with one of my classes, introducing them to Schoology and setting up a page where they will complete lessons and assignments that will be utilized and graded. They already like it, compared to the current LMS that we used called Moodle. My students have commented on it’s ease of use, and similar look to Facebook, which they are all familiar with. They seem excited to use this and in all honesty, it make my job easier. I can post tutorials and information on there that they can review on their own time, and create an environment of accountability, where students can no longer say “I never saw that”, or “I wasn’t here”.

I love being up in front of the class, and having a personal and genuine experience with my classes. However, I realize that all students learn in different ways, and adding the Schoology LMO as an additional resource and aid will only improve my classroom exponentially. I look forward to being able to see how my classes react to using Schoology and hope to see the benefits soon.

As far as how using an LMO will enhance my AR project, my vision is to include video documentation of the student-led lessons that can be posted easily onto Schoology. This will allow students to review the lessons, and allow them to reflect on their learning. Again, all of this is only adding to the impact that my AR project will have with students. I’m excited to see where this will go, and can’t wait to report back with my findings!

"Self-confidence gives you the freedom to make mistakes and cope with failure without feeling that your world has come to an end or that you are a worthless person." – Anonymous

No doubt you have taught your students many life long skills in your class and the best among them is to have self-confidence.  Each time a student leaves our class more confident, the world automatically becomes a better place.  Video production is a great tool and gift for expression. 

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