Friday, November 26, 2010


 Life Force -I Believe In Lighting Sparks!

Zander The Art of Possibility

Each day when I go to school I do my best to invite my students to “tickle their brain”.  I show and tell them about things that tickle my brain; most of them are new discoveries in science.  For example, firefly squid would be fun to think about and see some day…..

I tell my students that everyone’s brain is “tickled” by different things because we are all unique; unique down to the code on our DNA.  I encourage diversity and welcome their unique contributions. Here is a mysterious tickle from a scallop….

I see potential in the sea of teen faces and understand it is my challenge to unleash their magic and bring them to action. 

And on a practical note I show my students how knowledge can be used to create a variety of useful products... 

Trees that glow naturally with bioluminescent genes could be used to light streets, as in this artist impression from Cambridge

Read more:

                                                 Courtesy of Judy Kennamer


  1. Your choice of words is beautiful. I love the idea of 'tickling' the brain. Diversity is a beautiful thing. I am not anti-American, nor am I racist, but I do not believe everyone is truly created equally. We all have certain qualities that set us apart. That is what makes this a beautiful world...

  2. I love the quote you took from the reading about lightning sparks and how you invite your students to "tickle their brain". It is so important for students to tap into their imagination. Also, the bioluminescent trees caught my attention so I had had to read the article to find out more. How amazing would that be to have traditional streetlights replaced with these plants. Great pictures and videos!

  3. It is so great that you approach teaching science as an opportunity to tickle the brains of your students.
