Sunday, December 5, 2010

Week 3 Response to Classmate (R2C) #2 Robin

Getting Back In The Driver’s Seat

Cycle 2 was a bit of an obstacle course for me.

And that is why you are a teacher and so many other people are not….teachers tackle obstacles and keep trying. Sure we get discouraged but we always find alternative ways to reach kids.

From a qualitative perspective, the technology definitely added to interaction and enthusiasm. The students reacted much differently to the literature this year than in any year prior. They were excited and more engaged in their work, produced better analytical perspectives and became more immersed in the characters and character’s lives/actions than in years before. They synthesized information better and created more intellectual discussions as a result.

So there you have it, you earned your A!  You know you made an impact, the discussions proved it. 

The day will come when students know plenty of digital tools and they will be able to pick their favorite tool to create the product you request.  As technology continues to fail or get blocked at school, I believe more and more educators will encourage kids to create at home and present and discuss at school.   Soon it will be commonplace for students to create several movies in a week for all different kinds of classes. 

The question becomes will you be brave enough to check out the cameras to students for the weekend?  With proper insurance I believe it will be possible (remember  And of course the next leap will be that students will use their own cell phones to take and create it all. 

I enjoyed the posted student examples and know you will create an excellent student gallery, in the future, of creative responses to all the great works of literature your students study in your classes.

 Link to Robin's Full Action Research Cycle 2 Data Analysis Post

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