Sunday, December 12, 2010

Week 4 Response to Classmate (R2C) #1 Ginger

MAC Week 4 R2C  #1 Ginger

Wow, what an adventurous project!  All that training will make a significant difference for your staff and eventually the thousands of students that attend your school.  You are definitely an umbrella person and thank goodness there are people like you to tackle huge projects.  My mom started in a karate studio with a foot doctor, a retired teacher, and herself, a registered nurse and because she was an umbrella person there are now health clinics throughout our valley that service thousands of people with health concerns. 

I could hear in your voice in the video how devastated you were when several teammates left the project; it is so difficult to lose your support system in the middle of the project.  You are fortunate however to have found such an enthusiastic IT person so quickly.   

I wish you great personal strength as you fully implement the new system.  I liked that you called everyone STAFF and promote that everyone’s contribution to an educational system is essential and valued; it truly does take bundled team effort to run a quality school.

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