Sunday, December 12, 2010

Week 4 Response to Classmate (R2C) #2 Kevin

MAC Week 4 R2C  #2 Kevin

I think it is exciting that you are working in Second Life for your action research.  I believe the Club Penguin generation will do most of their business in virtual worlds; they like to combine work and play.  I liked what you said about it seeming like there were two instructors in Second Life. 

Sadly Linden Labs is closing Teen Second Life in January 2011, I was hoping to get in there with my students.  As a teacher of tweens I can still buy my own private island and work within it, but that is pretty limiting.  I guess what I will do is create machinimas from SL and stream them in my island.  We had a blast filming in SL. 

Genome Island is an amazing site for science teachers like myself; I wonder if Linden Labs would ever create a teen version we could drop onto our own islands.  I would like my students to get to go into the cell and look around, like I did.  Do you have directions somewhere about how to create presentations and drop them into SL, I would like to learn how?

You are ahead of the curve but the digital business natives will be chasing you soon looking for guidance, don’t give up, business in the virtual world is important.

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