Sunday, December 12, 2010


Action Research: Project Based Learning Using Cell Phones


My plan for presenting my AR project involves presenting at a local chapter of Computer Using Educators (CUE)  of Ventura, California in September and then possibly presenting at the major CUE conference  in Palm Springs in October.  

One of my critical friends, Cathy Reznicek, recommended these conferences to me.  She has presented at both and highly recommends the experience and the exposure to the best computer using educators of California and the work of their students. 

I have chosen to present instead of publish my Action Research project because it will help keep me in the loop of new ideas and I will meet other educators who are going out on a limb by integrating new technologies into their curriculum.   I can hardly wait to meet another science teacher who has students who create science movies on their cell phones or digital cameras, posts them to their Wiki, and has a class set of student science blogs that can be graded within a LMS.

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