Sunday, December 12, 2010


The Art of Possibility by the Zanders is an excellent book for anyone to read and reflect upon.  People of all ages can learn to practice the art of possibility; just like anything else the skills come easier to some than others but everyone can improve with practice.

Here are a few quotes from the book I hope to use for myself and with my students:

Kids playing sports or participating in anything new and exciting need to be reminded that just “playing” is winning.

I would like to read this story, create a shoe drive, and promote Last Things Said – Signs of Love.

Perhaps all of us, along with our students should write letters to NASA to help keep the dreams alive.  I will have to remember this.  This assignment offers another opportunity for an authentic audience.

I like this quote by Miaianne Williamson and hope to remember to live by it.

Ben Zander mentions the Landmark Forum as a pivotal point in his life so I went to check it out.  What a great find!  I think all of us should treat ourselves to a gift of the Landmark Forum as a graduation gift.  We have learned a great number of new tools at FSO, and struggled as we learned them so a weekend of discussing new possibilities with other people who also want to discover new possibilities could be the icing on the cake.

Here is the syllabus for the three day forum:

Here is what the Landmark Forum offers teens.

The Landmark Forum for Teens (Ages 13 and Up)                     
 The power to invent new possibilities; courage to face challenges; and freedom to create, grow, and be fully expressed.
In this three-day educational program, teens gain clarity and are left with a new freedom in life. They’ll have the opportunity to create a breakthrough in their ability to:

•  Communicate effectively and see life from an expanded view.

•  Experience an appreciation for their families and the people in their lives.
• Deal effectively with peer pressure and make their own choices.
• See rules and agreements as a way to have life work.
• Generate excellence in school and in the areas of life that are important to them.

•  Know themselves as someone who makes a difference.

•  Be responsible in a way that empowers themselves and others.

•  Face powerfully the risks and challenges of life.

This forum should be offered to all teens; what a great gift for a teen’s 13th and 16th birthday.


  1. I couldn't agree more with your statement of how kids playing sports need to be reminded that just playing is winning. Sometimes I feel the parents need this reminder even more than the children. Our Deepest Fear by Mirriane Williamson is one of my favorite quotes. I love the line, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? The Landmark Forum looks interesting. I have bookmarked it so I can view it at a later time.

  2. Great summary, collection of resources and thoughts. thanks for sharing so much.

  3. I also agree that kids playing a sport is winning. My ten year old son joined a bowling league this year - his first attempt at any sport. This league has some very good youth bowlers, and he only averaged 65 going in - so I was worried how others might react. He was/is happy just playing. I found that all of the kids are very supporting of every one. I was surprised at how many of his competitors gave him tips, encouraging words, and high-fives. An outsider would not be able to tell who was on what team because they seem like one big team. It "is" winning just being on the team.
