Saturday, December 11, 2010

Week 4 Free Choice

MAC  Snack  101 Week 4 Free Choice

Think Big - Teach Big

Check out The Flat Classroom Project.  I hope to be a part of this project some time soon.

Introductory video:

Suggestion:  Always find ways to incorporate the arts in a unit. The arts plant the seeds of change and justice.

Write poetry:


rain down ideas, solutions, creations
impact the sky
oceans, rivers, clouds of humanity

find the justice in the piece
turn it inside out
let it fall over the waterfall
shout through the canyons
to the urban landscapes
of hope and need
seek the challenge
let fear hide
deep in a crevice

garner strength
that breaks through stone
to release the you
the steadfast you

by Laurie Merrill
Create paintings:

                                          Courtesy of John Merrill

Let art, sport, and creativity lead the way to peace and freedom for all.

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